ஞாயிறு, 29 ஏப்ரல், 2012

pregnant anaconda killed by villagers

Here is a set of photos showing an killed pregnant Anaconda! The question here is, why was it killed in the first place? Actually, there could be many answers for it. It might have been causing problems in the region. However, some people might find this wrong, they believe that Anacondas should not be killed at all. Tell us your opinion in the comment section.
Don’t count them, there are 70 little Anacondas!

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Comments - 157 comments so far

  • Beattie said:
    well i’m sure the villagers will be thinking more about their livestock (and perhaps children’s) safety.
  • PK said:
    Problem with killing snakes is they eat rodents and insects. Expect to see new infections in regions there snakes extinct.
  • Joshua said:
    How is this worse than abortion… Boo hoo over a snake but not a babys life… How sad
  • Ryan said:
    If the snake would have rejected her babies and killed them, that is fine, it is a natural part of life. If a mother rejects her baby and kills it, it is fine it is a natural part of life. if villagers storm a pregnant woman and kill her baby, that is not a natural action, that is a crime.
  • Anthony Pittarelli said:
    how sad. Unfortunately those 7 pictures were more entertaining then the 3 anaconda movies.
    Anthony Pittarelli
  • bob said:
    they probably ate the snakes afterwards…savages!!
  • TH said:
    bob, get a life. or more appropriately, some perspective on life.
  • Peeves said:
    Nothing more annoying that blind environmentalists decrying the actions of people in places they’ve never lived. I second the first comment about worrying about kids and livestock/livelihood..especially since it looks like the snake was somewhere near the homes.
  • DannyD said:
    That snake looks to be over 25′ long! It could very easily have killed and eaten the small child pictured next to it! When you talk “rodents,” that snake would be naturally be hunting boy/dog sized “rodents,” not just rats and insects. Let the little snakes get the little critters. I’m with the folks pictured there…kill the big snake!
  • YourUncle said:
    Awww Bob – you’d love to have 70 anacondas growing up in your front yard, wouldn’t you?
  • call me what you will said:
    Ummm…did anyone notice the size of that thing? Would it have been any better if it was a panther attacking the village. Now multiply that by 70. Can you imagine what life would be like with 70 of those things slithering around? Of course, yes, its expected for nature to take its course and it is highly unlikely that all seventy will survive to that size, but regardless, having one that size is scary enough for me to leave town, but unfortunately for the people living there its not exactly an option. Yes its sad, boohoo, but life is survival of the fittest. The village can either eat or be eaten. Yay Darwinism.
  • Bombelman said:
    IF I’m not mistaken, this is Suriname. Either you eat the Anaconda, or the Anaconda eats YOU ! There is nothing in between. These don’t eat rodents, these eat dogs, goats, and if none available, eat your childeren ! This village is several hours away by air from the nearest town…
  • Molly said:
    A snake of this size eats maybe one goat or dog to last them YEARS! It’s not like people are going to be picked off one at a time over short period of time like in the Anaconda movies or Snakes on a Plane, where most of you seem to be getting your information to base your argument on.
    A snake will avoid people if it can help it. They are often too big to eat and are dangerous prey to hunt. People are attentive and keep an eye on their children. From a strictly zoological point of view, if an organism, human or not, lets their offspring run out into the undergrowth or don’t keep alert in a region where large snakes can be found (Notice I didn’t say large snakes where common.) then those organism’s offspring are not going to last long thanks to the stupidity of the parent. If the organism is intelligent, as these people who have to live in this habitat most definitely would be, unlike certain people who’s worst nightmare is the coffee machine getting jammed, the amount of offspring lost to snake attacks, which are slim to none as it is, (4 deaths by constrictors worldwide, including people who keep them as pets.) will be minimal.
    The anaconda’s Latin name derives from the Greek word that means ‘good swimmer.’ Anacondas are ambush hunters who use water as camouflage. (Their marking sort of indicates this.) An anaconda is not going to just sneak into somebody’s house and eat their children. Not unless they live in a ravine.
    Plus, as anyone who payed attention in biology class could tell you, when an animal has a large amount of offspring it is because the likelihood of the offspring is slim through predators as competitors.(Many snakes are cannibals.)Anaconda 3 is not a documentary: the offspring who do survive will rarely ever reach a size that allows them to eat people.
    I trust that from now on people will base their arguments on actual scientific information as opposed to unscientific whims. Iwould be very interested in continuing this debate if anyone is interested. ;)
  • Barry. said:
    I’d absolutely love 70 Anacondas in my front yard! Whilst understandable that this happened considering the location,as a snake lover I find it terribly sad to see.
  • Barry. said:
    Good post Molly!
  • Barry. said:
    Bombleman,most uneducated post on here so far! Read up!
  • MOE MOE MONKEY said:
    Maybe if you live in a country where this can be controlled humanly, there are other options to getting rid of these snakes (eg. zoo or some safe house for them), but when you live in these parts of the world ( 3rd world), they dont have the luxury of finding a suitable environment for the snakes. Hence, killing them for there own safety IS their only option!
  • tim said:
    I have a friend with 5 foot python. Last week the snake got out of it’s cage two nights in a row and my buddy woke up to the snake lying parallel next to his body. Fearing the snake had somethign wrong with it, he took it to the vet. The vet advised donating the snake to a zoo or having it put to sleep. Sounds odd huh. Well it turns out that the snake had been sizing him up by stretching his body along side my friend to see if he was big enough to eat him.
  • steve said:
    Molly is somewhat correct. A constrictor of this size will have several large meals in a one year period. This is a large ambush predator-predator being a key word here. Normally submerged in water close to shore this snake when hungry will strike at just about anything that is warm blooded, exhaling carbon dioxide and within certain size limits. The strike alone (which will be to the face)can be powerful enough to break a strong man’s neck.
    Do not sit in front of your computer making value judgements about people who live in and under much different circumstances than yourself.
  • Molly said:
    Amazing story Tim! Next time though, don’t copy paste your fake stories off snopes.com ;P
    Thank you Barry!
    A refreshingly well made post backed up by logic Steve. :) The snake could still pose a danger, I’m not denying that. Anaconda’s eyesight is quite poor and could readily attack a person within the same size limit as a hog, deer or caiman. But there are 4 deaths per year worldwide by constrictors. 4! Compare that to the amount of people killed by cars each year: 41,611. Ok, in the area where these people live, that statistic means less than to metropolitans. But like people who have learned to look both ways, these people will be smart enough to avoid situations that put them in danger.
    (An interesting fact: Snakes detect living things through a heat-sensitive membrane on their snout and with their acute sense of smell. snakes can’t detect carbon dioxide.)
    A very good point MOE MOE MONKEY. Thanks for bringing it up! ;) The issue here isn’t that a snake was killed, but that this was the only option these people had in order to insure their safety.
  • Scott said:
    The world needs snakes, they perform a valuable service.
    Humans on the other hand, do nothing to improve the planet.
  • trapper said:
    Some of you really need to get out and se whats true for yourselves. Molly, don’t so much attention to what your biology prof. says, NONE of the creatures in question read those books. I work with tem every day and please believe me when I say, animals are ANIMALS, they’ll do as they damned well please and play by no set rules mankind establishes and thinks they have discovered. I see ranges in the size of litters, broods, clutches etc. all in the same locations (geographically) all over the board, only the averages are constant and times of feast or famine are involantary causes of subsequent population adjustments. Predators in particular are excellent at conforming and making necessary changes for survival or more frequently, to flourish.
    While it may be a large ?? litter?? of serpents, the likelihood that they all survive is particularly limited to the two legged predators as well I’ll bet.
    By the way, Molly, how many folks do you suppose live around snakes llike that one that get to do a lot of reporting? I’d don’t think theres any man eating snake epidemic, however, there is a great chance of losing a kid the size of te poser to a snake anywhere near that size if the opportunity arose. I’d be more interested to hear from those who deal with the behemeth snakes on a day to day basis and not for a livelihood (herpitoligist). The affects of being in the same procemity to them would be enlilghtening to hear first hand.
  • haeli fields said:
    this is so sad but to tell u the truth only about 16 of those babies would have made it to the wild
  • steve said:
    yea right i would like to see any body that said they wouldnt kill it be placed in the same village with that snake i bet they would be thinking diffrently than
  • jyoti said:
    I would lety them kill if i was there.
  • bubbles said:
    ok,so all of you have been fighting over this since about november, right? well here it is… the people in that area lose more children and animals to anacondas than we’d even like to begin to imagine, so this has become their only option. they are probably superstitious, and like the rest of the world prone to believe wild stories about man-eating snakes. while it is very sad that this clutch will never even be able to try and survive, these villagers did what they had to in order to ensure the survival of their children, just like this mother anaconda did for years with all of her offspring. to molly and all of those who agree with her, dont think that im a cold hearted bitch or anything because these pictures broke my heart (i love all animals, but i do look at the situation with reason), those of you who scoff at the picture, i want you to imagine yourselves in that snakes place in her last few hours… how would you feel knowing that you were being hunted with no escape, and then when you’re caught, these people aren’t going to do away with you humanely… no these people who have hunted you WILL make you suffer, and all you can think about is the young inside you that are about to hatch and realize that they are about to die too… a sobering thought isnt it?
    im not here to fight, i will not stand for people who mock the suffering of animals because they are “inferrior” beings, animals feel the same emotions as humans, but their emotions are pure and untainted… those who say they dont really understand what is happening to them need a reality check! this mother would have ensured that her young were ina safe place, and that means as far away from humans as she could get them, she might not have had anything to do with them after their birth (birth being used as they hatch inside their mothers and are then “born” probably as a way to further protect them.), but she will do her best to see them as safely into this world as possible.
    these villagers remember stories of children and livestock being taken by anacondas and dont want the same for their own, so they are taught from a young age to fear and hate these giant snakes, this fear breeds ignorance, and the hate becomes indifference. while im sure this snake commited no such crime she was still a threat to the livelyhood of the village, they neutralized this threat in the way they have been taught for probably centuries. this snake had no chance of survival unless she had left, but this was the territory she had fought to possess and keep, its not likely that she would have left for anyother reason than drought or famine… animals are like that, they know what is theirs and will fight even humans to keep it, we are stupid, we have no rights to these places that we are slowly stealing away from these magnificent beings. we could learn alot from them if we only just tried, but we are ignorant, we believe that because we were created in God’s image that we should decide the fate of the world. i say that God’s only mistake was making us in a way that we could even believe this. the snake knew her place in this world was to hunt and give birth to the toung she was carrying when she died, just like the capibarra know it is their place to be hunted by those like her, they try to escape, but they know that at least one of them will be her meal… but humans, we dont see ourselveshigher beings and as such above the status of prey, we are not, we have muscle which is meat and as such we are fair game to a hungry animal. WE ARE STILL JUST ANIMALS! get that through your heads
    killing the pregnant anaconda was wrong but it is all these people know to do to protect their young, get over it this is how the world turns we are evil beings. she did what she was designed to do and they did what we are made to do. thats all i have to say but its food for thought for all of you fighting over her death… just think of all the other little anacondas who will now be able to find enough food to survive…
  • bubbles said:
    as an after thought… anthony, you are a pathetic half-wit, even my little brother can see that while it may have been nesescary to kill the snake, it is not entertainment. grow up or shove your head in a hole and suffocate there!
  • you are said:
    dude…. Bubbles is hot when she’s mad. After reading through all of this garbage, it was nice to find a post that was well written from the perspective of grammar and sentence structure. The reast of you are embarrassing.
  • bubbles said:
    you are, thank you very much for the compliment. i was not, however, mad… i was well beyond that point. i will agree with you that most of what these people have written is complete garbage. none of this was written with grammar and sentence structure in mind, i just happen to be a writer (outside of shcool) and it distresses me when i see stupid people fighting over something they cannot control and do not understand, most people don’t see that what happened is over and nothing they say will change that. people seem to have it in their minds that there is only one way to see things; their way. what the villagers did to this anaconda is the same thing they’ve done for centuries, the snake wasnt wasted, they did eat her and her babies. gross to us but normal to them. people need to take their heads out of their asses and see that there is more to this world than what they believe.
    ***none of this is said with an angry intonnation, i state the facts of what i see and believe, if you feel differently please feel free to say so, i will take your words into account and possibly even agree with you on some points. im not here to fight, just to set the record straight.***
  • Holly said:
    Now I can see why they killed this thing even though I’m a fan of snakes, I understand that.
    But the fact they split the stomach open, lined up all the baby snakesand f–ked about with the snakes body afterwards for the sake of photographs os fairly sickening. To me, anyway.
    Also, little kids who swear like that in photographs and think they’re mint make me want to punch them.
  • Pregnancy said:
    It’s so big.
  • cliKall said:
    I would agree with Joshua here and repeat his query “How is this worse than abortion… Boo hoo over a snake but not a babys life… How sad”!!
  • bubbles said:
    it is basically the same damn thing, they are all babies and therefore they are bothworth tears. the reason for it being said that this is worse than an abortion is probably because there are 70 innocents beaing killed not 1… both cases are equally worth our tears. a baby is a baby, and an abortion is an abortion!
  • chauvreau said:
    je trouve sa degueulasse que c’est villageoi se soit amuser a tuer sans reson c’est anaconda.se sont des animaux qui attaque que si il se sente agresser et je pense pas que c’est anaconda se soit approcher de leur village
  • Markus Landsin said:
    Wow, so many opions so many things to be said about a large, pregnant snake, the was killed…….I for one believe that such an aninal should be protected, but that is just my thinking. I strongly agree with Molly and many others that support the poster.An anaconda or any animal that is preditory will on occasion ttack humans, but most likley on dispreate measures, starving, loss of habit, loss of food extra… And secondly no matter what animal it is, a rabbit, deer or very large anaconda that is pregnant has the unirgorable urge to keep the young andin this girls case youngs, protected. Any animal will not risk the lves of the unborn when carring cause of the simiple fact of speices presforvation, and that is not down by humans but by the animals themselves.
    Secondly, if you would notice that the head of this girl is looped off…. does any1 know what the means? Well I can tell you. The lopping of the head of the anaconda is a ritual thingy that the people do down there, so this was mostly done by Sport, or the humans, as we like to do, hunt the animal for sport and fun, meaning the they most likly went into the forest to kill the snake, knowing that it was there, not because of fear, terror or in their minds self presitavtion of the human race, but for fun!!!
    Next a snake that large and that full of babies would not be doing much but sitting in a tree, hole, or anywhere else for quite some time, during this time they would not eat. They would be slow, tired , but if provoke defend so taken advantage ?
    You are, as stated more likely to get eaten by a shark, or bear ,or mauled by your neighbors dog than a snake no matter the size would attack a human, and eat it!!!! SNAKES DON’T DO THAT!!!!
    Nautrally thier have been cases, but look it up “how many people die from getting eaten by a snake each year?” Answear………… you find it!!!! Sorry getting a little frizzled here. One more thing to talk about, Read DannyD message “that snake would be naturally be hunting boy/dog sized “rodents,”” yes a snake wouldn’t go after a rat, but it would go after a, jaguar, crocadile, or the world’s largest rodent a capybara and even a tapir before it would even consider going to a boy/dog, so in a since it would be helping the people. I’ve also agreed on some point the bubbles make, exspecial the part that we are all animals. We think we are strong because we are human, but think if their was something greater than us!!
    Man no more room….oh well u get what i mean….morns a mother and her 70 babies…………..Markus P. Landsin 3/26/09
  • timi saighe said:
    that thing its just 2 big 2 have around.i think they did the rite thing.that snake probably has terrorised that village.becos some of them are fishermen.that thing can even swallow a full grown man.
  • bubbles said:
    timi, ur an idiot! anacondas do NOT attac fishermen. humans are not a meal that these snakes willingly take on, in fact anacondas take every precaution to stay hidden from large mammals so that they can live a peaceful life. the only time humans have to fear anacondas are during the mating season when they are all a bunch of raging hormones and when an anaconda is pregnant. this snake probably avoided the village as long as possible, but becase of expansion she had very little food left in her territory and so took a dog as hoer final meal before giving birth. that final meal would have lasted her sseveral months. so she was probably killed for sport.
  • julia said:
    how sad
  • abu buckr said:
    for all this thinks this villagers must be sorry ………..hehehehehehehehe
  • davidg said:
    the size of the babies / mother are such that they would *not* eat insects …. unless thats one damn biiiiggg grasshopper thats the size of a small rat.
    these snakes as pointed out by others would eat prey the size of rodents or larger when born and growing to adulthood.
    the villagers had their reason(s) to dispatch this snake. Daily in the USA wayward California mountain lions, various types of bears … and even the 30,000 “pet” Pythons are killed by wildlife fish & game authorities.
  • kumbi said:
    its so sad how can they just kill so many lives . who gave them the rights . they must and should get the punishment. what ever the reason is…………………….
  • Feroza said:
    Wena Ryan-Dont u dare feel sorry for dat devil!!!!!it can it eat u alive.
  • wheelnut53 said:
    I was explaining to someone from the south that by killing off the snakes the rat population will skyrocket.I hate rats !
  • Frogger said:
    !Thats BS.! Thay was right to do that. If not it would probaly someone in ther sleep so by them killing it. It saved many lives.+
  • Phat Boy said:
    Check yo mind .Boy that was wrong of you to say that stop talking sh**. Get right ,the snake was over there because it was looking to lay her babies
  • Sunchaser said:
    I for one believe this- you are all making this sound like this was the last anaconda alive to be able to reproduce. It’s not. Nature has its way of working and there will be more. Trust me, this is not the end of the world if one pregnant anaconda gets killed. Yes its a tragedy to see what happened to that snake, but I don’t live where these people do. I can’t say what I would have done if I were in that position. But you know what, us humans are at the top of the food chain and I think we need to keep it that way. Don’t judge what these people have done, they are only surviving which is what every single being on this earth does. Its the “circle of life” (excuse the cliche haha)
    I’m not here to oppose anyone’s opinions. Personally I respect everyones ideas and I carefully read everyone’s comments. This is just my opinion, so please respect it like I respected yours.
  • R KELLY said:
  • Tokunbo said:
    Molly made an intelligent post. Snakes(constrictors or fang barers)generally shy from humans.I was in a snake infested school surrounding for 6 years and only had one case of snake bite. The guy survived. Pythons were quite present but were rarely spotted. Big snakes are quite shy.
  • paul said:
    y would y kill the snake if its not bothering you?… kum on y couldnt u leave the poor snake alone
  • Christ Red Field said:
    beacarefull Anaconda very dangerous the snake is atack you familiy and yours cows
  • jyothirmayi said:
    First of all, I appreciate the villagers. We know, how the snakes (like Anaconda and cobra) are dangerous to mankind. We may not harm them, but, unfortunately they may harm us. Having Anaconda around us, become threat to human and animal lives. Survival becomes difficult. Keeping this in mind, there is nothing wrong, if at all the villagers kills that anaconda.
  • smriti said:
    that was soo sad they might have eat it they are so bad poor anaconda!!!!!!!!!!!
  • smriti said:
    can”they leave the snake alone and she was pregnent if any one will kill you and kill your baby insid then soooooo sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Dark angel said:
    stupid people….poor snake…..:(
  • rams said:
    kill dat persons
  • Anaconda is very big and strong snake.Anaconda is king of all the snakes.
  • bijayaSingh Khadka said:
    How Sad
    I really felt sad to know about the news.
    Anacondas are the rare creatures and its the responsibility of we all human beings to save such rare creatures. Let the villagers who killed the snake know about this lession
  • cynipher said:
    So. For one thing id like to ask what do people out there eat or get things they need? The goats and cows and other wild animals they can hunt down. Or trade them for other items. What would something that large eat? Goats, calves, and other wild animals. Now the fact that they thought it would be cool to “dissect” the poor animal is wrong. Yes. Another little thing to add is that look at the size of that thing! Now while it deffinately could not eat a grown man or teenager even it could eat an infant. And also I’m sure (again considering the size) it must be fairly older and has probably had more then just that litter of babies. I would have killed it (killed not played with the dead body) too if it was taking away the food for my village and taking away the only decent thing my children have to drink (goats milk or cows milk). Not only that but they really can injure people. If a person were to get bit by one image all of the diseases (s)he could get. Not only from the snakes mouth but the lack of hospital with the amazing technology and gift of clean sterile water we have. Well, that’s all I have to say.
  • Alisher said:
    Oh my God!!! Of course I do support the villagers!!! They need to think bout their children. Those snakes are actually eating people. Now if they would be nice and harmless then ya that would be sad however in this case it is dangerous thing that can kill people. So I am sure they did a right thing.
  • naveen paul said:
    It seems very sad that villagers killed an pregnant anaconda…..very very shame to those villagers………bad days to those villagers…..()
  • vbmc said:
    Sorry to say but humans come first. Peoples safety is a priority and if their lives became endangered then unfortunately ugly actions need to be taken. Sorry environmentalists.
  • Jadine said:
    well I think they did the right thing because if the kids went in the jungle and got bitten by the rattle snake then there would be trouble because you may live or die and that’s a possibility you can’t take.
  • jonathan said:
    snakes are so yummy. I like snakes because they are my favorite food hehehehe
  • romana pisarov said:
    This is terrible so I do not know who can kill anakondas.Must realize that such a killing does not lead to anything and therefore that anacondas are also people like me vulnerable tvory.V some situations it may be also true that my people will spoil this beautiful and with each other and tvora.Toto a tender is to my side next to each have their opinion but this, this is the reality of friends may seem unbelievable but true!
  • Madhulika Dash said:
    hey that snake is so scary i think the anaconda should be killed if she kills everybody. All her children should be also killed
  • Madison Modlin said:
    Imagine 70 more of those huge snakes slithering around the region. That could cause many more deaths of people, and of livestock. If just that one snake has killed one person or biten them, just imagine 70 more snakes that size roaming around your area, scary and dangerous.
  • SoLA said:
    I work with anacondas every day. You would really have to be careless to be killed by one. But that is a giant snake, and the fears people living there have would have some basis of rationality. It is a shame though this was a pregnant snake on strictly environmental grounds. But for the record, anacondas do not reject their offspring or kill them. They will, however, eat any stillborns, and I do hope the people there at least got a good meal and did not waste such a large supply of meat. I would also like to confirm that these snakes do only eat a few meals a year, and it is not uncommon for large females like this one to fast for upwards of two years, and females this large are quite rare…so an abundance of livestock or children missing seems a little far fetched. Also keep in mind that if half of those 70 babies are male, they only grow to a fraction of the size females do and could not eat a meal larger than a squirrel. So of the logical 35 females, you still only have a few of them survive, so the damage that is done to the environment far outweighs the potential risk of big snakes like this eating children. We can’t, and shouldn’t, be killing everything that has the potential to cause human harm. We are causing ourselves greater long term trauma if we go that direction.
  • Designer Dragons said:
    I agree with everything that sola said.I also too work with larger snakes.I order to be killed by these large constrictors you would have to be messing around with it.You could power walk and out run it and there strikes arent as fast as everyone here thinks.You cant use the excuse that it wouldve ate everone there.A small dear or goat would feed it for a year if not longer.All the babies wouldve not lived either.The mortality rate of them in the wild is very high,and half of them wouldve not grown past ten feet.This anaconda was a miracle of nature.We cant just go around killing everything that can hurt us humans.Heck if we were going to do that then lets get rid of all the dogs.dogs kill more people in one year than snakes ever have.Not to mention that feral cats,yes fluffy little kittys, kill more people a year than snakes do.Here is another little known fact,More people are killed by vending machines per year than snakes.Please dont think that these are mindless killing machines.Please.
  • Gabrielle Bagot said:
    I think that Anaconda’s should be killed because they are dangerous and they don’t care who they eat so we shouldn’t care about them either.
  • Jaxon said:
    People Cause way more damage and kill more people than snakes ever have and ever will!!!
    But that doesnt mean we should just kill the people because of it.
    So think what you say before you say it.
  • Kevin said:
    Let’s keep it simple shall we? who was there first?
    The anacondas or man? ANACONDAS
    Who has the right to live their? I say whoever was there FIRST. Man kind can go to hell for all I care.
    I say let the pathetic humans die.
    More people have died by dogs than by anacondas you stupid fucking people. Trust me I breed large constrictors. We should be protecting this planet but instead we rape it and destroy it.
    Who said humans are better than any other life on earth? WE ARE NOT.
    All life was created equal and all life is equal. Without these other so-called “inferior” life forms on earth we could not survive.
    But without us they will flourish.
    Humans are a plague to this planet and if I could I would wipe you all out.
  • Snake said:
    Wow! I honestly hope that anacondas go and eat you after all of this crap you are posting! Anacondas are smarter than humans and they don’t go around eating people like all of you may think. I completely agree with Kevin. Anacondas were here first so why don’t we all die first. Why don’t all of you go and hmmm….I don’t know…..learn about anacondas before you all start judging.I say that it would be HILARIOUS to see all of those pictures about anacondas doing that crap to humans. have nice lives!!!
  • Anaconda Lover said:
    Molly is incorrect because an anaconda has to eat more than once a year, in fact, a large meal will only fill them up once a month.
  • Anacondas are the giant reptiles found on the earth. They have wild behaviour by nature and can even swallow a human but it is totally unfair to kill or hunt them because they too have life in them. Villagers should not have killed the anaconda, instesd they should have taken some precautions to make the anaconda live in a better and safe place far away from human residence.
  • elisha said:
    I think that the andaconda should have not been killed there has been very veiw death from anakondas and i think its bullshit that u think anakondas r like the movie u need to all grow up and honestly if the people would not let there kids go exporing bye themselfs they would be safe but no people cant fucking leave animals alone all they feel after is prod of themselfs oh look at me im a real man i killed a tiger oh look what i killed an anakonda that was carring offspirng wow ur real tuff try going to jail ah see how long those big men last then like really this pissed me off today im done befor i start cursing.
  • ravindra said:
    it is nothing but a cold blood murder of a innocent creature, most disappointment is that she was pregnant, it should not be repeated.
  • anabelle owner said:
    this is complete and udder murder i own a anaconda she is the most beutiful and aware snake i own she is beyond a snake being a new world snake (boa)there very differnt menatality from a retic wich i also own wich i was told from the beginging was bad it is also the most dostile snake i own it i all about the handling and feeding habits everything must be perfectly consistent to create a good snake also if a snake knows not how to kill live prey it will never do that you must raise them right from birth to death to not get a man eater and they learn quick
  • chandan chauhan said:
    Villager has killed because of the fear of name anaconda and the story that they might be listen from the people. They also thing for the safety of there peoples and them selves. The question is only that is the anaconda is really a such dangerous animal or its only the fake story.
  • God will always be there said:
    alright ill start here..none of you know what it is like to live where there living right now!! they do not have nice big houses as like all you do! they had to kill the 25 foot snake becuase they do not want to take the chance of one of the children or adults to get there lovley life taken away from one of this snakes or any other snakes!!…they had to do it!!…i hate it how “molly” goes ahead and says facts!!…you can never get real facts for these kind of things!..you can never ever say that you dont want to kill a mother with 70 babys till you are standing where them people are while you know the snake is just out side of your town or even near by your house!! why dont you “molly” go for a hike into there village and really..i mean really live the way that they live! with always knowing and making you look behide you and always alert from these 25 foot snakes..no one knows what really happens there its so dame remote..just leave them alone!!
  • Nancy Dortch said:
    I don’t care for snake at all, but I won’t kill them or peel their skin, or eat them. P.S some people are crazy to have them as pets.
  • Naureen khan said:
    Its really very disgusting. That is all happens because they don’t have any knowledge about this but at least they should have some pity on a pregnant anaconda. They r as living as us v have to save them.
  • its not really disgusting,people there in the villages just think their safety that if ever this pregnant anaconda will give birth to her baby anacondas, more problem will appear and will cause danger of their life.
  • Heather said:
    Bubbles, I agreed with everything you said up until you said: “we believe that because we were created in God’s image that we should decide the fate of the world. i say that God’s only mistake was making us in a way that we could even believe this.” First of all speak for yourself, not all of us think that. Second God did not make any mistakes creating humans or anytihng else. God makes no mistakes period. You are enitled to your opinions’ but do not insult my God. Maybe you do not believe in God, which is fine, but I do and am offended that you said that.
  • Dean said:
    Funny the people saying the snake should not have been killed may also eat meat. if that snake should be preserved then i don’t see why we should kill cows, goats, chickens, pigs etc and eat their meat, wear fur or leather. we should leave all animals in their natural habitats the way nature intended and stop messing up the ecosystem. it would be hypocrisy if we leave the snake but still eat steak!!!!
  • IJ said:
    Are Anacondas mammal?
    I think reptile lay eggs…then how come Anaconda can have infant in her stomach?
  • ursula said:
    what ever may be its better to kill an anaconda than it killing a thound of humans.
  • ursula said:
    people are very sad about an anaconda but why they are not sad about a humans life?
  • dastha said:
    this earth is to live human along with all biological systems.not to kill or harase any type of animals.
  • dastha said:
    it can be taken in to the zoo.
  • Nisala said:
    I’m very disappointing killing valuable and rare animals like this
    What country has it happend ?I’m from sri lanka we do not kill animals
  • Salihu muhammed said:
    I am not happy she have to die,but for a good reasons no problem.
  • opabola T adeshola said:
    To me the village did right thing! But the pregnant stuff its pain somehow!
  • anythin' said:
    for me, whatever reason…there are no reason to kill animal, they also have their right to live in this world. but..everyone have their own opinion…
  • petar said:
    sramota they are crazy
  • Lindsey said:
    Umm Are You Crazy?! That snake would’ve swallowed a child! Killed the snake before they had more lost children??? Good Idea. I mean HELLO?! For all you snake lovers it’s Humanity over Deadly Animals. I’d deffinately like you to vote HUMANITY people!
  • Naruto said:
    Okay Lindsey…if you say that, it’s mean we must kill all the animals in this world? that a crazy statement I ever heard….
  • sarita said:
    it is very bad
  • Tee said:
    I dont think it is right what people do to Snakes.
    I believe that they are in the wild for a reason and they could of just captured it and left it in the wild.
    I mean if People see a Wild Monkey its not killed but rather ignored and i think it is onlt fair that snakes are left alone.
    If its in a area it should not be in the remove it and release it in the area where it will be comfortable in.
  • CommonSense said:
    Just for everyone to know. These villagers have a very different perception than we do towards Anacondas. They know much more about where they live and hide than the average person does. They have learned to cope with them. But over their time at living where they are, Anacondas have certainly taken down numerous counts of their livestock, in other words, what they need to establish a village and basically survive. I wouldn’t doubt that one of these snakes have killed a child of theirs at some point either. I’m certainly no snake specialist, but I am a Psychologist. I study basically the human brain and how it works. And these villagers have learned to perceive these snakes as a threat to their village. Their natural reaction would be to eliminate that threat for their survival. Although it may not kill a villager, it will kill livestock, and to save their livestock, they killed it. A perfectly sensible human reaction. I fully agree with what they did.
  • ComeInPeace said:
    You humans need to wake up theres adults killing each other and children around the world rather than wasting your time commenting on here go put that time into doing some voluntary work in your community to make it a better and safer place thats what these humans have done for their community- Peace
  • egbert dreben said:
    well, i hate snakes, to be honest, nontheless i absolutely oppose any cruelty to them, at the end of the day its not their fault, that they are that gruesome and disgusting creatures. and in that respect i agree, it shouldn’t have been killed, of course. respect nature. but if it was an accident, well, thats also part of nature.
  • egbert dreben said:
    and yes, lindseys comment is very stoopid. sure she must be american. from the us that is.
  • Dracula said:
    Problem here is idiocy everything has a right to live and as a snake lover I believe she was not a problem as much as any pregnant mother she was only protecting herself and her unborn babies people need a grip these pics are barbaric and disgusting it goes to show just how little most people are no better than an animal or a barbaric sadistic cruel killer
  • Paradox said:
    We can’t say much of anything about this, simply because we aren’t over there dealing with them. That’s like me, being in the army, thinking it’s okay to judge what goes on in Afghanistan without ever going there. It doesn’t work that way. These are beautiful creatures. I have been so lucky as to see a few of them up close… not THAT close because I don’t do snakes, but close enough to admire their size and shear power. These snakes have also been known to eat things that actually DO go out of their way to attack humans. So, killing a pregnant snake could be wrong, killing a pregnant woman could be wrong. But until I find a pregnant snakewoman around here somewhere to tell me what she thinks, I don’t think this is a subject we can fathom.
  • devraj said:
    anaconda should not be killed .they have write to be alive .anaconeda conda should be preserve not to be killed .in future might be problem occur that it should be extint
  • arian said:
    its better to kill that spices in order to have a peace on earth cos anacondas are causing problem in this world.. anacondas are eating insect.Lil help but big problem to us.(all)snake can cause death of a man. animal is still animal that has no feelings like love and depth of gratitude to their carrier..so that we must kill them.. snake have no mind or brain to think what they are doing.. if someones see a big snake as big as anaconda then he hurt you. do you think you can encourage your self to say that we must not kill snake!!! daHHHHH!!!!
  • Romany said:
    duuuh, ofcourse they kill that snake!
    come on 70 little snakes? they grow big too!!
    70 large snakes can eat all the people there..
    gosh, don’t care about the snake!
    it isn’t sad, snake’s aren’t nice animals..
    there more like monsters who just wanna eat.
  • brandon said:
    you should not kill them they are awesome things they help us with the rodents and stuff like that
  • Antarejas said:
    it sad when we’re watching those snake got killed ..
    but i think that will be more sad,if we saw from the picture is not those snake that killed by human, but children that killed by the snake ..
    just can’t imagine how will those anaconda food their babies?
    70 babies of anaconda ?? that was “wow”
  • dhana said:
    CommonSense said:
    Just for everyone to know. These villagers have a very different perception than we do towards Anacondas. They know much more about where they live and hide than the average person does. They have learned to cope with them. But over their time at living where they are, Anacondas have certainly taken down numerous counts of their livestock, in other words, what they need to establish a village and basically survive. I wouldn’t doubt that one of these snakes have killed a child of theirs at some point either. I’m certainly no snake specialist, but I am a Psychologist. I study
    Kevin said:
    Let’s keep it simple shall we? who was there first?
    The anacondas or man? ANACONDAS
    Who has the right to live their? I say whoever was there FIRST. Man kind can go to hell for all I care.
    I say let the pathetic humans die.
    More people have died by dogs than by anacondas you stupid fucking people. Trust me I breed large constrictors. We should be protecting this planet but instead we rape it and destroy it.
    Who said humans are better than any other life on earth? WE ARE NOT.
    All life was created equal and all life is equal. Without these other so-called “inferior” life forms on earth we could not survive.
    But without us they will flourish.
    Humans are a plague to this planet and if I could I would wipe you all out.
    basically the human brain and how it works. And these villagers have learned to perceive these snakes as a threat to their village. Their natural reaction would be to eliminate that threat for their survival. Although it may not kill a villager, it will kill livestock, and to save their livestock, they killed it. A perfectly sensible human reaction. I fully agree with what they did
  • Daniel said:
    May God bless those who save thier femely,other animals,and ect from biggest snake in the world.Just imagine gore noga e epepa nogana tse kae ka palo 70!!!! these is too much, if that 70 little snakes growth, what is going to happend about those who live around the village.All i can say to those who killed that anaconda is that, guy you must put an eye around you because the of the little snakes is around…
  • afraid of snakes said:
    its okay dude…we have alot of snakes here in the world…its just a matter of first thing first..first come first serve as they say..you eat the snake or the snake will eat u..
  • gehu aata said:
    are yaar mere ko english nahi aati please tell me in hindi request plz
  • Alkhaniz said:
    @ Molly, Bob, Barry and the likes of you guys??? have u ever lived in Brazil near the Amazons??..If not then please kindly not base ur documentations on scientific films or documentaries.. get a first hand view of how terrifying it is to have a3 year old kid with an anaconda living close by then u would understand why they kill them sometimes.. or have your hard earned livestock get eating by this beast then u understand while they go to far length to kill them.. you bunch are in the western world opening your wild mouths to blabber rubbish.. what Nonsense.. you think life where u have your cosy cosy is the same with here in Brazil?? we do our best to keep these beasts at bay when SOS is called but most times u can blame the villagers when u come late and the beast is killed!! Don’t talk Rubbish and call other s Savages Mr so called BOB!!..Who has made you GOD over the villagers???
  • Emerld Eyes said:
    Is the snake an endangered species there, if so there might of been a better way. Is it safe to say the average say 20-25′ anaconda may produce 100 offspring? Possibly once or maybe twice a year? That is a lot of snakes. I keep thinking about the pic of the little boy standing next to the snake. That boy could have been a meal for the snake not to mention any domestic animals the village may have. As the author of the original question did anyone get any comments from any of the villagers? Generally in small villages there is a certain reverance for animals of the area; only when attacks are viewed as a breech of the natural order would the animal be killed. I would encourage everyone to view this from many angles.
  • sam said:
    i get it, killing a pregnant anaconda sounds cruel and looks cruel. but i don’t think those villagers saw another choice. for all we know the anaconda had been around for a couple of days or weeks and the villagers saw a threat in that it wouldn’t leave. I think it’s logical they killed it to protect their own. And I’m sure that if they were capable of getting rid of it in a way they didn’t have to kill it, they would.
  • john said:
    Of course villagers are going to kill these child killers. Would you let one of these creatures live in your backyard…sure you would…
  • shamair said:
    May be because they were killing people
  • kiss said:
    ^_^ …. OMG !
  • Naz said:
    That’s their only option, killing her while she was pregnant. because at that time she is weak and not as threatening as she was. so, the villagers took their chance and killed her. I dont think the villagers like to kill animals. but if its threatening, who won’t if its not for their safety and most importantly, the family, especially childrens.
  • jOY said:
    How could you??!! First you kill the poor snake, then take pictures with it of you SMILING and then you cut her open and display her poor babies!I don’t know who could be more heartless and cruel to animals. :’( Do you even care???? Probably not! Even if it was was threatening your children, I can understand your fear, trust me, but couldn’t you drive it away some how? Lure her with a piece of meat or something! THINK before you KILL!
  • rodoufo said:
    o ibama acha serto nao matalas!mais eu queria saber se eles achan serto esas cobras mata crianças e ate pessoas mesmo!isso e um favor que esses adeoes fiserão pra sossiedade.
  • laryssa said:
    MATEM tdas COBRAAAs!!!!
  • Sporkie said:
    I am just going to say that for those people in that village that is probably one of the most exciting things that has happened to them all year long. I am going to guess a bunch of the adult males went out looking for it, found it and killed it, brought it back to the village and partied (lol).
    I hate snakes, I am terrified of them, and I could barely look at those pictures because they made me feel sick to my stomach. On the other hand though, I don’t like the killing of animals just for fun or for sport. I think the only time you should kill anything is out of necessity. I think those people felt that their only option was to kill it, that would have been my one of my ways to solve the problem, right behind running away from it and hoping to never see it again.
    Finally, I hate to bring this up but oh well, I don’t get how people can love snakes. I once heard a snake owner say that snakes don’t love, the aren’t loyal, and basically they could care less about you. How can people like something like that. That being said my dad just bought one or something so I figured I better try and learn something about them to try and curb my fear of them a bit.
  • Christina said:
    I personally think that if the Anaconda isn’t doing any harm to the villagers, they shouldn’t kill it but if it’s trying to feast on the villagers, yet they shouldn’t kill it but instead bring it back to the jungle far away from the villager so it wouldn’t come back. The villagers did not just killed one snake, but 70 more… I feel sorry for the poor Anaconda and it’s children.
  • karina said:
    estoy de acuerdo que las maten pero que no sean tan amarillista que pesar pero es es un peligro
  • Ashley said:
    No animal species in the world should be killed. THEY were here first. We then came along and began killing the forests, the animals, and each other. Humans are the most disgustingly aggressive creatures, no matter the reason that poor organism should never have been killed. Seeing this makes me sick. Even more so, the look on those ‘humans’ faces.
  • yami said:
    i think that you did ok by killing this snake
    because its worst been killed by a snake than
    kill her… >/
  • mariana said:
    i hate snakes so they should be killed or shouldn’t exist! lol
  • mike said:
    After reading through these comments, i cannot believe the amount of people in the Western world who have completely lost all touch with the reality of life and death situations regarding nature. You guys are literally retarded. I would like to see you try to lure an anaconda like that away, I bet you wouldn’t come within one hundred feet of an anaconda in the wild.
  • purna said:
    it sad to see them dead……….. how stupid is man…… for our lives is it good to kill the innocent animals…… ?? that too when it is PREGNENT……. will anyone is dare to kill a man who is not only responsible for the death causing situtions in one preson OR one street OR one village TO WHOLE WORLD by his luxry which is in return causing the world to an end in the terms of ENVIRONMENTAL DIASTERS.!!!!!!! did he??? no then y t kill those snakes?? its our fault to cut off the forest regions and make that place also for our living…. whrer can they move? they dnt no naa that human population is increasing and as the land is not sufficent to them they are gng on cut out THE region!!!!!!!!!!!! and we have to remember one thing that NO ANIMAL IN THE WORLD WILL HUNT OR KILL SOMEONE AS ITS PREY UNTILL IT FEELS HUNGER and if it feel hunger also it may have one or to other animals but it will not GO ON KILL THE HUMAN LIVES
  • purna said:
    its so sad that it was been killed when it is PREGNENT how sad it is what it did to u to kill it?? who gave the rights to kill them?? can u kill ur pet animals as it had bites U,,no bcz u love it..!! Is it a good thing to kill the nature gifts like this. how foolish is that,by thinking it may kill ur childrenn u killed it and its 70 children. when u have that much love on ur child is it not a mother. and is it came to our home and gng to kill us? NO… abouslutely NO!! bcz we are the one who are gng to there palce, as the worlds population is gng on increaseing day by day we are cutting out the forest region and getting there places also for our living… and killing them only for our secrity reasons without any kindness… but those snakes they dnt have more smart evil minds as we have because they are unable to come to us and killl all and be happy…
  • purna said:
    its so sad that it was been killed when it is PREGNENT how sad it is what it did to u to kill it?? who gave the rights to kill them?? can u kill ur pet animals as it had bite U,,no bcz u love it..!! Is it a good thing to kill the nature gifts like this. how foolish is that,by thinking it may kill ur childrenn u killed it and its 70 children, not only this anyother animal also. when u have that much love on ur child, is it not a mother?that u have killed.
    and is it came to our home and gng to kill us? NO… abouslutely NO!! bcz we are the one who are gng to there palce and killing them, as the worlds population is gng on increaseing day by day we are cutting out the forest region and getting there places also for our living… and killing them only for our secrity reasons without any kindness… but those snakes(ANY ANIMAL) they dnt have more smart & evil minds as we have because they are unable to kill us and make them leave safely and happily that to without any pollution/damage to the nature as we are doing it.
    every individual should remember one thing that, NO ANIMAL IN THIS WORLD WILL KILL ANYONE OR ANYTHING UNTILL IT FEELS HUNGER ONLY WE HUMAN CAN DO THAT WITHOUT ANY GOOD REASON.. bcz we want to store properties for our children but they dont do it.!!!! when they feel hunger they may hunt 1 or 2 of their prey thatsit. please do love the nature and dnt kill them like this please…….
  • purna said:
    some of u said u HATE snakes and they shouldn’t exsist in this world. just question yourself WHY U HATE THEM???? aft that think is the only creature that is posions and killing? No.. bcz only the man is the killer in this world bcz some of us are killing others directly bcz of their angers… but all of us are the victims to the death of whole world by increasing the pollution which is nothing but green house revolution environmental diasters which is increasing the pollution and decreasing the good nature around us. with and without knowing to us we are killing ao many so many beautifull birds animals are becoming extinct bcz of so many electrical techonolgical things are they bcz of snakes or any other animals nooooooo they are bcz of so called humans which are dangerous than animals (SANKES)…. so try to love the things which are strictly following the nature rules… dnt hate them it shame on our part dear………….
    sorry if I am wrong on myside…………….
    Purna….seems like you are one big animal lover…. like that.. even though your point is good, you chose to argue rather than reason. I believe you know that your arguing is offensive (some what) compared to reasoning. When you have a choice and yet you chose your path to be offensive why cant others choose their way..(Way 1 : Stay away from snakes, Way 2 : Kill it! If you see one.) One is reasoning..where as the other is offensive.
    And one more fact about animals following rule of nature thing…
    Lions kill other Lions cubs to protect their own dominance (Source : Animal Planet). Dont you think its for security reasons.
    These things happen.. We should try to stop it by reasoning.. not arguing…
  • Angel said:
    Seriously, do all you people care about is some snake and the people that killed it, half of you think it is ok, the other half of you think it isn’t. Big deal one snake was murdered by some villagers, how about you look at the world today and see nearly 15 million children die of starvation every year!! “Equal distribution of wealth does not mean we all should be millionaires–it only means that no one should die of hunger.” If we all cared about someone other than ourselves and stood up to Governments that oppress and dehumanize others IT IS DEAD but currently there are 15 million and more children needing your help right now who are alive!
  • Jessy said:
    I think they killed the snake to feed their village therefore this article was publish purely based off of the pictures they had no facts behind the pics. Agreeing with the second comment I do believe snakes would keep out rodents and the infections could go up but i think the villagers were A protecting their families and B needed food.
  • faizal said:
    hey guys..
    it’s simple. we are not snake haters. but when snake came into our territory and became dangerous we have no choice. for protection we must kill them. that’s all. we do not hunt them!
  • Zodiaic said:
    oh how downright cruel! when are we humans ever going to learn to leave our wildlife alone
    otherwise these snakes will become extinct like other creatures in the past, you have
    to remember these snakes have lived their for years and its the villagers who don’t
    belong there. we should be protecting the giant snakes instead of killing them and
    especially a pregnant one , someone should talk to those people about wildlife
    preservation educate them and teach them to respect the snakes instead of killing them
    i found the pics very disturbing.
  • Casey said:
    This snake was probably killed because of the humans fear, they wanted to protect their livestock and children. It is sad, I wish they could have let the snake go. Anacondas are becoming extinct in some regions because of humans killing them out of fear.
  • lil shel said:
    listen here i think that they shouldnt kill animals because my parents say its a sin but in the bible if yyou read it it says that GOD told eve that the snakes will bit us humans an we will chop off their heads i might be wrong with the way i read but hey im only 14
  • Nathan Curry said:
    it would have been better if the villagers killed all the hells angels and bouncers in the world, they are really the scum of the earth and should not be allowed to live rather than a poor innocent snake.
    it makes me extremely angry when you see men who impregnanate women and use their excuse that they love their children as an excuse to beat people up, they are the scum of the earth and should be hung drawn and quartered, but of course they are cowards most of the people these men beat up are much smaller than them.
    i heard a story of a anaconda killing but not devouring a man who was a bouncer and a bully, and i was so happy that this man died, he deserved it.
  • Nathan Curry said:
    it sickens me this type of behavior, i just wish a group of hells angels would walk into this village and cause trouble and the same thing would happen to them.
  • Enu said:
    people are quorting scriptures,people are providing scientific facts,but what every one has forgotten is that what we ourselves would have done if we were in that situation.
    for all you people out there who have kids and for all others who have sisters and brothers,all i’ve gotta say is that you would have done the same thing as these villagers!!!you would have killed it then and there!!!
    you know it!every1′s just chicken to admit it!!!
  • abdi said:
    it was great that snake was killed it could be problem in the village if the snake gave off the baby
  • Piya said:
    very sad…but on the other hand its the safety of the villagers.
  • dazlin said:
    i dont think it was good to kill the snake unless it was that harmful to the villagers……….as a matter of fact it shouldnt have been killed even though it was that large and the largest of all………..
  • katie said:
    how brudial are thes poepol so mean i love animals even poisanis animals they are MEAN
  • tess said:
    I do not get why you kill that animals ok it kill the chicken but it did not deseved
  • tess said:
    it was not right to kill to animals i under stand but please do not kill them let this be a waning
    do not kill them
  • sparkle said:
    this is sad i love snakes and to see a anaconda in millions of bits makes me sad and to keep searching for snakes.

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